HackBama is participating in the inaugural NASA Space Apps Challenge, starting this Friday 28th @ 5pm. As ambassadors, the HackBama team will be providing a free Python Crash Course presented by Jacob Weaber from CyberProtex, at the kick-off party for anyone interested to learn the basics of programming ahead of the event.

Also, check the community challenge submitted by one of our organizers:

NASA – Extensible Control Assessment Tool (NeCAT)


Please note, this event has multiple parts:

Also, let us know you will be coming at our Meetup event: https://www.meetup.com/HACKBAMA/events/239275096/


Part 1: Kick-off Party

Starting Friday 28th @ 5PM

Location & Registration Info: http://www.spaceappsparty.eventbrite.com

HackBama provided Python Crash Course @ 7PM

Part 2: Challenge Event

Starting Saturday 29th @ 9AM through Sunday 30th @ 5PM

Location & Registration Info: https://www.spaceappshsv.com/

Register to get notifications and access to the event Slack channel!

Everyone is welcomed to come, find a project and join a team to solve real-world challenges. Bring your laptop and sleeping bags for Saturday night!


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